Why Hire a Child Sleep Consultant?
The first time you heard or read the term Child Sleep Consultant you might have thought, wait…that’s a thing? Yes, it is, we do exist!
A certified Infant and Child Sleep Consultant is trained in child sleep methods and the science of child sleep using biologically appropriate methods to help improve sleep. We help families that are desperately struggling and are motivated to make a change; the families who are experiencing frequent night wakings, refusals to nap, have children who take hours to fall asleep, and wake up early to party. If this is your every day life, you might benefit from working with a certified Child Sleep Consultant.
Trust me, I’m sure you’ve tried EVERYTHING. That’s what every mom/dad/client tells me! Well, you haven’t tried me, so let’s do this!
If your child sleeps okay and/or you’re fine the way things are, that’s awesome for you! However, if you’re barely functioning off the little sleep you get, are trying to move your child into their own bed because you want your bed back, or if you’re trying to stop unnecessary night feeds and find yourself becoming more irritable and less tolerant of your children or partner, you might need some help. If you’re not happy with your current sleep situation, your child probably isn’t either.
Why hire a sleep consultant?
Well, we are educated in this, so the odds are we just might know something that you don’t. Every family is different. Sleep consultants are trained in creating the perfect recipe unique to your family. Sleep is not a one size fits all.
Many times, a parents’ attempt to sleep train their child fails because they don’t have guidance, and more importantly they don’t have support!
We are your personal cheerleader! Feeling stressed? Not sure if you’re doing things the right way? Reach out to me, I will walk you through it.
What works for one person might not work for you. I can see your situation with clarity.
We can get to the root of your child’s sleep struggles.
We can help you plan ahead and prepare you for future sleep regressions and milestones.
Most sleep consultants are parents and have been where you have been. We all started somewhere and likely headed down this path of sleep consulting due to our own struggles!
This is typically a life changing experience. Giving your child the gift of sleep is a skill they will have for the rest of their life. So many ailments and behavioral issues mimic lack of sleep. Lack of sleep is related to attention span difficulties, obesity, your mental, emotional and physical health (as well as your child’s) and so many other things.
Have you ever googled ways to help your child sleep only to then become completely overwhelmed and even more confused than when you started? “I put lavender on my kid and now he only wakes up once”, or “I let my child cry and now she doesn’t wake up at all”. “We let our daughter stay up until she eventually crashes.” “We bounce our child for 20 minutes every time he wakes.” It can become extremely confusing! Read this book, read that book. Don’t pick up your baby too much, don’t let them cry too often- everyone and their mother has an opinion on what you should do for your child. Let’s leave sleep to the experts.
So, are you ready to get sleep?
“sleep begets sleep”