Pacifiers, Dummies, Binkies... oh my!

Here’s the low down. Paci’s- I'm cool with them. I like them. They make babies happy, they reduce the risk of SIDS and they help babies sleep (sometimes)!

So why do they get a bad rap?! Well, there comes a point when they often CAUSE repeated, consistent night wakings. If you don’t mind reinserting a paci several times a night, that’s alright! But if baby is waking 3,4, 5+ times a night for their pacifier, it might be time to cut the cord. Usually, around 4-5 months is the easiest time to ditch the paci! At this age, they move on fast. Head to 7, 8, 9-month territory and they’re likely not having any of that “no paci” nonsense. An alternative is to offer several paci’s during sleep times and teach your child how to find them! Literally, put them in bed and have them practice finding a paci. You can also do this during the daytime while they’re awake moving about as well!

If you’re ready to take the plunge and ditch the paci, here’s how to go about it;

1) Cold Turkey- For babies under 4-5 months, this is often the smoothest way to go about it! Like I said, they move on fast, and it’s actually more “gentle” at this age then removing it slowly!

2) Slow Fade- Another way to go about removing the paci is to physically remove it right as your baby is falling asleep. You can re-insert it when they fuss, let them settle, and remove it as they fall asleep. This method takes about a week and is not exactly tear free.

From a professional standpoint and as a mom, I recommend you use the cold turkey method! Often times what WE view as “gentle” is more confusing for your child.

If you need more guidance or support, please head to my services page!


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